Category Archives for Advocacy

American Bicyclist eNews: State and City Fact Sheet on Raleigh

American Bicyclist eNews: State and City Fact Sheet on Raleigh

American Bicyclist eNews: State and City Fact Sheet on Raleigh From the League of American Bicyclists State and City Fact Sheet on Raleigh The League of American Bicyclists is a 501c(3) non profit organization bicyclists…
Chavis to Dix Park Strollway

Chavis to Dix Park Strollway

Connecting Chavis to Dix Park Chavis to Dix Strollway – Funded! Oaks and Spokes is excited to announce that the City of Raleigh has secured $3 million in federal funding to help complete the Chavis…
Parking Minimums

Parking Minimums

Creating People Powered Places Parking Minimums Text Change This week, the City of Raleigh Council worked to remove parking minimums and start parking maximums city-wide. Oaks and Spokes believes that our community deserves better transportation…
500 for 5%

500 for 5%

Our budget reflects our values Let’s Get 500 Voices for 5% We know that significant acceleration is needed if we want Raleigh to be more rollable + walkable, and safe for all ages and abilities.…
Walking and Biking Audit

Walking and Biking Audit

Around 3:50PM each weekday, children start streaming out of Conn Magnet Elementary School in Raleigh, NC. While some wait for school buses and others meet their families in the carpool line, many hop on bikes…