Rider Inspiration: Matthew McGrain

How long have you been riding a bike?

38 years

Tell us something inspiring and/or unique about yourself that relates to cycling.

I am thankful to be on a team that gets over 1,000 people a year on new bicycles. Also, we repair thousands to keep people rolling, having fun, and feeling good.

What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve made on a bike?

Instilling the fun of pedaling aboard two wheels in my 10 year old, Henry. He loves cruising the Raleigh greenway trails, Forest Ridge, Crabtree, and Umstead mtb loops. I guess the 2016 Off Road Assault On Mount Mitchell was a memorable one landing sub six hours/top 30. I cried three miles from the finish wishing my dad could be at the finish. This was for him.

What’s the biggest challenge you faced with regards to cycling and how did you overcome it?

Fear of riding on the roads. Daytime running lights with high lumen specs save lives during these times of distracted driving at an all-time peak. Hang up, drive, and it can wait.

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