Rider Inspiration: Bob High

How long have you been riding a bike?

Since I was 4 years old, but serious riding for 30+ years

Tell us something inspiring and/or unique about yourself that relates to cycling.

I am always a little slow and unmotivated at the beginning of a ride. There are more times that I can count that I have put on all my gear on, dialed in the bike, and ridden to the end of my driveway and turned around and gone back inside! I was just not into it. But, once I get going I feel so much better, and once I get some big miles in I start feeling really good, and I don’t want to stop.

At this point in my life I have realized, that if it is the trainer workout in the shop, or a ride out into the world, I know if I just get on the bike and get going with No Expectations, that is key, then I will return home happier and feeling great.

What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve made on a bike?

Tour Divide Race

What’s the biggest challenge you faced with regards to cycling and how did you overcome it?

Getting on the bike when you don’t want to, but you need to! Also dealing with airlines while flying with bikes, but that is a whole other story. That can be in the middle of a multi day touring ride/race, or just a cold morning training ride.

For me it is all about inspiration and I find that in having my cycling goals, trips, and life goal clearly in mind; and posted up for me to remember that there truly is no solid gain without a little pain! I also very much love my music and never more so than cranking tunes while training on the bike, but never two ear buds at the same time. One Bud Please!

Free form – tell us anything you’d like!

Traveling on the bike is the the real jam for me. At a young age I was lucky to have a friend who took off on a bike for a massive trip, it got me inspired to started going some where on the bike not just around in circles…all be it some big circles! So getting on the bike and going somewhere showed me what an amazing tool the bicycle is. It also took me to countries, place, and experiences that I would have never seen, and allowed me to meet some of my most favorite people in my life.

I can’t encourage us all more to plan a ride that goes to a different town, or city, or country, and let the self powered freedom of that experience, to go where ever you want to, to open your eyes to the great big ole world out there that is only flying by at a peddle pace! Get off and hang out where ever you like. Toodle On!