Rider Inspiration: Andrew Futrell

How long have you been riding a bike?

I began cycling around age 4.

Tell us something inspiring and/or unique about yourself that relates to cycling.

Meeting new people in Wake County has been a challenge ever since I moved here in 2015. Thankfully cycling is a very social activity. Having this common interest has allowed me to connect with others.

What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve made on a bike?

Beyond overcoming the barrier of being able to ride a bike, I do have plans to do longer rides. This also includes bike packing.
As far as an accomplishment, I solo biked round trip from Clyde, OH to Fremont, OH when I was 13.

What’s the biggest challenge you faced with regards to cycling and how did you overcome it?

Finding a bike compatible and comfortable for me has been very difficult. I was born with a clubbed hand and scoliosis, so finding bike gear I can safely operate is a unique challenge.
Networking with local bike shops, bike clubs and searching product demonstrations on YouTube has allowed me to find suitable options and test them out. There’s still a lot of trial/error and personal training involved; however, I feel confident I can improve my cycling ability as I continue to discovery new equipment and ideas.

Free form – tell us anything you’d like!

Cycling is a fun, fulfilling activity. Being able to connect with others, get exercise and keeping my mind fresh does wonders. I also have numerous hobbies and interests that get me outdoors such as photography, astronomy, meteorology, geography, etc. Being able to overcome physical barriers has removed social barriers. I hope my personal story can inspire and motivate others that struggle with similar challenges I have faced.