Volunteer Opportunities: Harrington St. CycleTrack Pop-up Weekend

Volunteer Opportunities: Harrington St. CycleTrack Pop-up Weekend

What’s new with the CycleTrack?

Just over three years ago we started a tactical urbanism project to install Raleigh’s first community driven two-way cycletrack downtown. After many discussions, meetings with partners, planning sessions, a change of corridor back in November, revisions, donations, and most importantly feedback from our community we are finally getting our hands dirty and installing Phase 1 as a weekend long pop-up event! Hooray!

This is the moment we’ve been eagerly awaiting! You may be wondering “What’s with the Phase 1 and why just a weekend?” It was decided that a phased approach aimed at tackling a few blocks at a time would get a physical demonstration on the ground faster, and it worked!

The pop-up is meant to serve as a proof of concept for what could become a long-term installation between Davie and Morgan. The pop-up will provide us with a valuable opportunity to demonstrate to the community what exactly a cycletrack is, how they work, the elements that make them safer, and why we need them in our city. It also gives us an opportunity to collect feedback and identify potential issues to ensure we avoid pitfalls when planning a long-term installation. Most importantly, we hope this pop-up acts as an incubator for new ideas and new concepts for our bike network in Raleigh and helps to mobilize folks behind a shared vision of equitable, premier and protected bike facilities that are safe for all users.

When’s this pop-up weekend going down?

The pop-up weekend will start on Friday April 5th and run through Sunday April 7th. We will incorporate events around the cycletrack all weekend to encourage folks to get out with their friends and families and try out something new! We plan to have a mini open house Saturday where members of the community can review and leave feedback on the Phase 1 corridor.

How can I help?

To make this pop-up weekend a success, we are calling on our wonderful supporters and community to come out and roll up your sleeves to help us make this happen! We are looking for volunteers to help with the installation on Friday, collect surveys, direct bike traffic, document the day, help with the open house, and eventually tear down the cycletrack on the following Sunday *insert cry emoji*. Please go to our volunteer signup to pick some opportunities for yourself, your friends, your neighbors, your neighbor’s cat, whoever! It’s going to be a great weekend and we can’t wait to see you there with us!

If you have any questions, please email cycletrack@oaksandspokes.com.

To learn more, donate, and leave feedback, go to https://oaksandspokes.com/cycletrack