Monday Member Spotlight

John and Liz Smith

Although all of our members are full of energy and passionate about bicycling advocacy, it is always fantastic when their creativity fuels a new project. Last May two of our newest members, Liz and John Young, saw a need for making bicycling more accessible to people of all socio-economic groups and began the Raleigh Community Kickstand. One Saturday a month, volunteers meet at the Oak City Outreach Center to repair bikes that people use for work or other essential transportation. Parts are gathered from local bike shops, and donated bikes from organizations like the Durham Bike Co-op are rehabilitated into a usable condition. We’re proud to give a special shout out to Liz and John for their incredible insight and energy for the Raleigh biking community!

This year we’re partnering with RCK to kick off our annual Bicycle Festival with an extra special event! Join us Friday, May 4th from 6pm to 9pm for a Bike Repair-o-Q-o-Rama at Trophy Maywood. In the spirit of a neighborhood party, we’ll be repairing bikes to be donated to needy individuals in our community.

If you are interested in getting more involved with the Raleigh Community Kickstand, please contact Liz and John at or send a message on the Facebook page.